Margaret Bateson-Hill

Leah's Star

Here is a heartwarming retelling of the traditional Nativity story. It remains faithful to the gospel accounts but allows us to view them through the eyes of a child. In a deft and utterly convincing conclusion, the reader is drawn into Leah’s belief that the tiny baby in her arms is in fact holding her with unshakeable love.

The wonderful illustrations to Leah's Star are by Karin Littlewood. I particularly wanted Karin to illustrate this story as she captures the expressions on people's faces so well.
I also love the colours in Karin's paintings
Leah's Star podcast
My first podcast : Nikki Gamble from Just Imagine interviews Illustrator, Karin Littlewood and myself about our Christmas nativity, Leah’s Star. click on the link https://bit.ly/3FWrGy3or listenhere on Spotify"https://open.spotify.com/episode/4xqblCKm0rXSKA0EU8unyh?si=388ed96fc3294ee1

Two of my earliest photographs as a baby.

Star Garland.
Write the star words on the stars and then decorate them with glitter and sequins.
Thread them onto a string for a Christmas garland
Review from Books for Topics 2109
Leah’s Star is a picture book that tenderly retells the Nativity story through the eyes of Leah, the innkeeper's daughter.
The streets of Bethlehem are bustling with people and Leah's family are rushed off their feet housing travellers at her father's inn. When a woman arrives who is just about to have her baby, Leah's father finds them a place to rest in his stable. Wide-eyed with wonder, Leah witnesses a series of very special events including some rather unusual visitors from afar. All the while, a splendid star shines down on the scene from above.
The story is full of humanity and at its heart it depicts a young girl's personal encounter with the very special baby at the centre of the nativity story. As Leah talks with Mary, she realises that the new arrival is no ordinary baby and that her own part in the story matters very much. Their exchange is compassionate and tender, and the spirit of warmth and openness shown by Mary as she involves Leah in the events leaves young readers with the message that the nativity is a story for everyone who wishes to engage and that no-one is excluded from its wonder.
Illustrated with Karin Littlewood's watercolour scenes, this beautiful picture book brings a familiar Christmas story to life through a fresh pair of eyes and is a worthy addition to your collection of nativity story books.
Books for Keep's Review November 2008
Rosemary Stones included LEAH in her choice of 10 of the best Christmas Books