Margaret Bateson-Hill

I was born and grew up in Blackpool, Lancashire. At university I studied Drama and English, going on to run drama workshops for children.
I live in Brixton in South East London, one of the cross-roads of our world where many cultures and peoples meet and an ideal place from which to travel into the world of story.
I have not always wanted to be a writer; in fact at school I wasn't very good at writing stories, I much preferred acting them out. My sisters and I used to act out stories that we'd made up. We would include songs as well.
My dad used to tell me stories every night. Either he would read one or make one up.
I also remember reading hundreds of fairytales as a child - all the Andrew Lang colour book fairy tales, Grimms, Hans Christian Anderson.
As well as being an author I tell stories in schools, libraries and many of our museums including Kensington Palace, the V&A, the British Museum, the Foundling Museum, Apsley House, the Museum of the Order of St John and the Horniman Museum.
I have worked with various underfives groups across London bringing books, stories and songs to pre-school children and their carers
Did you know?
My favourite fairytale is Beauty and the Beast
My favourite colours are pink and purple
My favourite mythical creature is a dragon
I have performed a mermaid rap in front of the queen
I can sing very high
I am frightened of snakes, but I love to tell snake stories
My hobbies include singing and reading- infact I like to read all the time!
My favourite children's books are The Earthsea Books by Ursula Le Guin - especially good if you are fond of dragons.
Here are some other current favourites:
Skelling by David Almond
His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman
October, October by Katy Balen
The Final Year by Matt Goodfellow
Cane Warriors by Alex Wheatle
The Girl who became a Tree by Joseph Coelho illustrated by Kate Milner