Margaret Bateson-Hill

Easy paper crafts to make and do. Suitable for children of all ages, inspired by my books and stories. With templates to download.
How to cut a paper flower
Paper dolls
Looking for a fun way to make up characters for your story? Why not download the paper doll template. Fold along the dotted lines and cut out the outline of the person.
Open it and you will have three characters to colour and invent personalities for. If you need more characters for your story, just cut out some more paper dolls.

Make a peacock

Check out the story of "How the Peacock got his Tail" on my story time page.

Make a paper dragon

Download the template - two dragons will fit on a piece of A4
You will need thin card or paper to print the template onto
Feltips/ crayons to decorate your dragon
You can also use sequins fabric, glitter...
Glue and or selotape
And A6 piece of thin paper or tissue for the wings cut into an oval (optional)
Make a crocodile

Here you can download the template for the crocodile and the instructions
Make a paper table cloth story

Make your own paper table cloth story. Download the pdf to help you plan your story. Paper tablecloths can be bought in pound shops and supermarkets, or why not use lining wallpaper.